
【Angel's Whisper】Cozy Clouds for You

Angel Sofy makes puffy cozy clouds. God reminded Sofy, "Let's make more comforting clouds by the year end. I want all the weary can have a good rest on these clouds." Sofy is now making more and more clouds here. Come and have one for yourself! 小柔天使專門製造柔軟蓬鬆的雲朵。上帝對小柔天使說:「我們需製造更多溫柔的雲,年底前讓每個疲憊的人,都有地方可以好好休息。」小柔天使已經開始製造這些雲朵給大家,請來領一朵屬於你的雲吧! *********************************** “I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, for you have comforted me and spoken kindly to your servant, though I am not one of your servants.” Ruth 2:13 (ESV) 「我主啊,願在你眼前蒙恩。我雖然不及你的一個使女,你還用慈愛的話安慰我的心。」路得記2:13

Collage Can Be Poetic

Collage is fun and it can be so poetic! For a very long time, I'd been watching youtube clips where many artists share their way to play collage, mostly on their art journals. I had never really made a satisfying work until I signed up the class taught by Lynn Whipple and organized by Carla Sonheim - The Joy of Collage with Lynn Whipple .  As you can see from Lynn Whipple's website, she is so talented and definitely a happy artist who inspires people around.  This is the work I made in the class.  I think now I am getting to enjoy collage.  =)

The Journey of Le Petit Bleu - the Aircraft

They had Petit Bleu sit in a special comfy air vehicle and flied him around. 愛心鳥讓Petit Bleu乘坐一架特別舒服的飛行器,帶著他到處飛翔。

Fall in Love with Sea Turtles

So in addition to making art, I have a real side job as part-time translator.  Days ago, I was translating a travel document and reminded of one of my own trips when the content there depicted sea turtles and their preservation.  Right after my translation work, I flew to my art journal and made this washi tape picture.

Finding the Faces

"Humidity", acrylic on wooden panel, 5x7 inch. I feel content taking Mindy Lacefield's class.   Learning from how she works out primitive portraits with mixed media is indeed an enjoyment.  Moreover, it really lead you to explore your own character and expression.  You would probably not even realize that throughout the process but can definitely be surprised and discover it as reward and prize for yourself.  Other than the interesting faces I created with the class, I also got to enjoy mixing vibrant colors fearlessly which actually turned out amazing.

Mindy Lacefield's Class - Primitive Portraits - ATCs

Hello! I know it really costs to a few take classes at the same time but there are so many great classes that I just can't resist it.  Other than participating Carla Sonheim's program, I found this class with Mindy Lacefield who is very talented for painting faces with acrylic/mixed media.  For quite a while I've been checking out Mindy's art and wondering how she made it.  The class she is teaching is helping me explore and understand how the art says for itself as you go.  It's relaxing and inspirational.  I really enjoy it. 雖然同時上多種課很花錢,但有太多很棒的課程令人難以抗拒。除了Carla Sonheim的課程外,我又發現了  Mindy Lacefield  的課,她用壓克力/複合媒材畫人臉,非常有天份。好一陣子我常常觀察他的創作,而且很好奇她怎麼畫的。她這個課帶我探索並了解當你下筆,畫面就自己表達出來。很放鬆又富靈感的課,很喜歡。

Journal 52 - week 10: Create for a Cause

This is for Taiwan. For the past 24 days, students in Taiwan had been protesting peacefully against the state apparatus to fight for righteousness and democracy.  I created this flower for the cause as my journal page remembering of our striving for this beautify motherland, Taiwan. We will not give up or give in to it. God Bless Taiwan. PS. The art students created when occupying the congress building as below